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Since announcing his candidacy for Select Board January 12, former School Committee Member Nick Lazzaro has already collected more than the required 50 signatures to get on the ballot for the Annual Town Election April 30 and raised over $800 from small donors supporting his campaign.

Nick served on the Millbury School Committee from 2020 to 2023 and was Policy Chairman in 2022-2023. The Millbury Select Board unanimously voted to appoint Nick to fill a vacancy on the Committee in 2020; Nick went on to win reelection in 2020 and then 2022, where he was the top vote getter.

On School Committee, Nick was a leader in the completion of the Shaw School Building Project and secured more than $25 million in state funding; He also oversaw the completion of Alumni Stadium which was completed on time and under budget; He prioritized students education making sure they had access to AP courses designed for college readiness and advocated for alternatives to traditional curriculum such as trade programs;

Now, Nick is ready to bring his experienced, successful leadership to the Select Board to tackle the greatest issues affecting Millbury. Nick's priorities include:

Affordability: Millbury is a desirable community to raise a family, start a new life, and retire, but many families fear being pushed out. Prioritize thoughtful development that prioritizes existing homeowners and their property rights and also builds on-ramps to the middle class for our young people and our seniors. Nick will work to increase and diversify our tax base and include more opportunities for new families, while preserving Millbury’s beautiful character and small town charm.
Public Safety: Promote crime prevention strategies and local employment opportunities in the community to protect our youth and families. Expand licensed clinical social workers to become a part of the police force, as piloted by neighboring communities.
Small Business Development Business: Education is key to a thriving community. Nick will work hard to improve pathways for new entrepreneurs, promote existing businesses, and continue revitalizing our downtown area. Nick wants to work closely with the redevelopment authority and local partners to ensure small businesses have the necessary resources to thrive.

Nick graduated from College of the Holy Cross in 2023 and is now a Fellow at Boston College in the Carroll School of Management. Nick started his own business, "Nick's On-Site Detailing" in August 2019. He has since started multiple scholarships for students looking to become entrepreneurs. Nick was named the youngest “40 under 40” in the Worcester Business Journal, and voted Best of Business in 2024.

CONTACT: Nick Lazzaro,, (508) 865-0360