NOTE: Founding Editor Chris Naff is a member of the Board of Selectmen. Naff has no editorial input on Board of Selectmen news or information in regard to the Bramanville Tribune.

The Millbury Board of Selectmen met at Town Hall on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. In attendance were Chairwoman Mary Krumsiek, and Selectmen Scott Despres, Katie McKenna, and Chris Naff; Selectman David Delaney was absent.

The Board of Selectmen discussed the fees for Weights and Measures, the regulations in charge of monitoring and inspecting devices such as gas station pumps, bottle return receptacles, and price scanning equipment. According to Ron Valinski, who is the Sealer and Inspector of Weights and Measures for Millbury, Auburn, and Leicester, the fees cost has not risen since 2013, and he requested that the Board increase the fees by $5 and add a late fee. He noted that there is approximately $1,600 in late payments. Selectman Scott Despres asked about what recourse was available for those who didn't pay; Valinski responded that there was no reason to pay on time, and the fines he could charge are as unlikely to be paid as the fees are.

Selectman Chris Naff acknowledged that the Board of Selectmen received information about what other towns charged, and asked Valinski what increasing the fees solves.

"Raising the fees gives me a pay raise," Valinski responded, noting that he hasn't seen a pay raise in nine years.

Naff asked what the late fee would be; Valinski responded that it would be $50 for 30 days of delinquency and $100 for 60 days. All late fees would go to the town.

Selectman Despres moved to approve the fee increase, Selectman Katie McKenna seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve the increase.

The Board of Selectmen acted on a license amendment for ckSmithSuperior in regard to their shift toward biofuels. A representative from ckSmithSuperior explained that CK Smith wishes to add a new second tank to "use our bioblend to make a higher percentage of fuel of bio."

"We don't have enough storage" to meet demand, he said.

ckSmithSuperior's consulting engineer noted that the Fire Chief approved the plan, but it needs to go to the state fire officials before it can be built. He noted that biofuel does not increase the fire risk under current regulations.

Despres asked if there were spill containment measures being considered, and the engineer responded that this will actually improve the containment given the new regulations in place.

McKenna moved to approve the license amendment, Despres seconded. The vote was unanimous.

Town Manager Sean Hendricks gave some updates:

  • The Board of Selectmen were presented a spreadsheet that shows the current ARPA spending. This article will be updated with a link to that spreadsheet once it is received by The Bramanville Tribune.
  • The Small Business Grant Program has distributed $393,800 in grants to 33 small businesses in town, out of approximately 40 applicants. More money is available for applicants, and Hendricks "hopes people recognize the commitment the town has shown," and noted that no towns close to Millbury's size has made this sort of  overture to local business.
  • Fire Headquarters hazmat mediation is nearly complete, and the building should start coming down this week. Hendricks noted that we're "a couple, three weeks away from blasting," and there will be CodeRED notifications, plus in-person information sharing.
  • Hendricks acknowledged the Tuesday midday closure of the Town Clerk's office through the election. He reminded the public that the other offices will be open.
  • Hendricks gave an update on grant applications: The Asa Waters Mansion received a $7,000 grant, and the town a Green Communities grant for approximately $93,000 in aggregate.
  • Hendricks detailed some of the improvements at Woolie World. The town is working on quotes to "fix deficiencies" on the basketball court, including getting some barriers to keep vehicular traffic off the park service. Later in the meeting, Krumsiek praised the Woolie World changes, saying she was "pleasantly surprised."
  • The statewide opioid settlement is getting paid out to municipalities; Millbury will recieve "a little over $17,000 a year for the next 10 years." The funds must be used for public health purposes, especially toward opioid use mitigation. Selectman Naff asked whether the Opioid Task Force was still around, Selectman Krumsiek noted it had been disbanded.
  • The new Shaw School opened, it's "not pretty on the outside" due to the landscaping needs and the destruction of the old school. Work is ongoing. "It's a pretty amazing place."
  • Logistics on wiring the generator at Town Hall are ongoing.
  • GreenCare Collective requested a return of their bond to the Planning Board; the cannabis cultivation company plans to open at the Lahti Farm Road business park soon. Hendricks noted some changes coming to the laws regarding the impact fees and community agreements, and the fact that Millbury put the funds into a special account as opposed to general revenue makes any reductions in receipts easier to bear compared to other towns.
  • Another cannabis distributor is looking to build a dispensary on McCracken Road; a public outreach meeting will be held at the library on September 22 at 5:30pm. Hendricks will mediate.
  • Hendricks talked about one-on-one meetings with board members, and that those should pick up in the fall. He noted that he was open to a regular scheduled meeting if desired, but does not want to have meetings for the sake of meetings.

Other notes:

  • The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to schedule a special town meeting for November 15, 2022. Town Manager Hendricks noted that there are no land use questions at present and that it would not be a "deep" warrant. The last day for submission for articles would be September 22, 2022, and the Board of Selectmen would vote on the warrant at their first October meeting.
  • The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to appoint three people to Council on Aging: Laurie Corkey, Steve Walinsky, and Stuart Mulhane.
  • The Chamber of Commerce is hosting a breakfast on September 29 and Attorney General Maura Healey will attend.
  • "On a good note," members of the Board of Selectmen attended the ribbon cutting of T.A.J. Tropicals and Trinkets in Millbury Center at the former Millbury Towne Florist location.
  • 23 Grove Street was accepted by the state attorney general to go into receivership.
  • Despres asked about missing lights in the Town Common, Hendricks will check with the Town Planner but notes that they were having trouble sourcing replacements. McKenna also noted that the "no right turn" signs do not appear to be working; Hendricks will look into it.
  • Despres noted the "Humans of Millbury" project "on a good note."
  • The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to accept a gift on behalf of the Board of Fire Engineers.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:55pm, and can be viewed in its entirety at Millbury Public Access Video on Demand.